Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thirsty Thursday's New Wine

It has been a long week my friends, G has been sick with a belly flu and it's picture day for Chloe who cries on her way to school every day.  Oh, did I mention I forgot to start Carissa's 100th day project and it's due tomorrow.  Yeah, that's the type of week it has been, needless to say I will be having a glass or 20 of this fine wine tonight.  Mama's bringing out the big guns...cabernet.  Oh yes, tonight it's going to be a smooth, nutty tasting Cabernet by Bogle.

Bogle Cabernet Sauvignon is a great wine and the price is super great at only 14.00 a bottle.  It's a very rich tasting wine so it's very easy on the palate.  Just lovely.


  1. Chloe cries going to school?? That's so sad! Has this been all year or is it new?

  2. This has been every day since the mid-October. She's a homebody!
